Marbase – a fully integrated aquaculture service hub to support our province’s aquaculture industry. A concept developed by Paul Antle and Bjorn Apeland.
Located on the site of the former Marystown Shipyard, Marbase will revitalize the facility and bring renewed life to the entire region. At its heart is a lumpfish hatchery.
Lumpfish, which eat sea lice, are a natural, biological weapon that control sea lice within Atlantic salmon farming operations. By using lumpfish, salmon farmers will be able to reduce their use of pesticides, making their operations more environmentally friendly. Marbase will produce lumpfish grown from local broodstock in land-based tanks.

Marbase will also offer many other services to the province’s aquaculture industry:
⦿ Salmon Feed Storage / Production
⦿ Barge Construction / Repair
⦿ Cage Construction / Decommissioning / Disposal
⦿ Aquaculture Vessel Repair
⦿ Rental Space for Suppliers
⦿ Remote Services
⦿ Diving Services
⦿ Net Washing / Repair / Recycling
Over the next 5 years, Marbase plans to grow its workforce to upwards of 200 well-paid, sustainable union and management jobs, which will spark other economic activity.
The provincial aquaculture industry already employs twenty-five hundred people. Marbase will help the industry become even more productive and more environmentally safe and secure.
And that’s good business for everyone.